Maximize the value of your company with B.I.G. Planning

Business Value Multiplier

businessmen shaking hands with a cityscape background

Our B. I. G. Planning process is designed to help business owners maximize the value of their businesses, maximize their personal wealth, and minimize the taxes they pay. An important part of that process is our Business Value Multiplier plan. Businesses are valued basically on the profits or cash flow of the business multiplied by a multiplier. The Multiplier is derived from several sources, industry the business is in is one source. The multiplier is also derived from the value a potential purchaser assigns to the ongoing operations of the business. Two ways to improve the prices a potential purchaser is willing to pay for your business is to improve the profits and to increase the multiple the purchaser applies to that profit. Improving the multiple has a much greater impact on the value. Our Value Builder Score questioner will help assess what the current value of your business is likely to be to a potential purchaser. It also will show you how you can improve that multiple so that you receive a higher price when you sell your business.